據統計 Paypal 在德國擁有22%以上的市佔,並在歐盟也相的普及,但過去因為電商詐欺太嚴重,因此User 決定把Paypal 先關閉,藉由此次重新打造德國網站,把Paypal 重新串接,並搭配 Riskified 保險服務,來分攤掉網路電商的詐欺的運營風險。
Paypal 的Api 看起來昇級了,官方也建議用新版的 Rest api v2 版本串接。
Sandbox. https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com Live. https://api-m.paypal.com
進階模式多了,Venmo(社交支付)、Debit or Credit Card、Paypal Pay Later (先買後付),但需要申請 PayPal 的 Braintree 付款閘道。
P.S. PayPal 的 Braintree 是一個全面的支付解決方案,類似於Payment gateway,主要是幫助商家接受、處理和分配支付,它解決了多個與接受線上支付相關的問題,提供了一個安全、靈活且易於集成的平台。
首先,可以先參考官方的 Integration builder 的範例,其實寫的不錯,基本上照著界接就能做完了
npm install @paypal/react-paypal-js --save
'use client'; // next js client component import { PaymentOptions } from '@/const/payment/payment-option'; import { useCaptureMutation, useGetConfigQuery, useProcessMutation } from '@/redux/api/test-payment-apiSlice'; import { IGernalPaymentParams } from '@/typing/cart'; import { PayPalButtons, PayPalScriptProvider } from '@paypal/react-paypal-js'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; export default function TestPaypal() { const { data: paymentInitOption, isLoading: isPaymentInitLoading } = useGetConfigQuery(); // rtk query 取得 payal sdk 前端初始化的參數 const [Process] = useProcessMutation(); // rtk query 用來呼叫建立建立授權訂單的api const [Capture] = useCaptureMutation(); // rtk query 用來呼叫提取信用請款的api const gernalPaymentParams: IGernalPaymentParams = { paymentTypeCode: PaymentOptions[PaymentOptions.Paypal], orderNo: uuidv4(), } as IGernalPaymentParams; const createOrder = (): Promise<string> => { return Process(gernalPaymentParams) .unwrap() .then((res: ApiResponse<IGeneralPaymentResult>) => { if (res.isSuccess) { const orderId = res.data.paymentReturnValue; return orderId; } return ''; }); }; const onApprove = (data: any) => { return Capture(gernalPaymentParams) .unwrap() .then((res: ApiResponse<IGeneralPaymentResult>) => { if (res.isSuccess) { debugger; paypalOrderId.current = res.data.paymentReturnValue; alert('Payment success'); } }); }; return ( <> {!isPaymentInitLoading && ( <PayPalScriptProvider options={paymentInitOption}> <PayPalButtons createOrder={createOrder} onApprove={onApprove} style={{ layout: 'horizontal', color: 'white', tagline: true }} /> </PayPalScriptProvider> )} </> ); }
"Payment": { "PaymentOptions": [ { "PaymentName": "Paypal", "IsSandbox": true, "ClientId": "Your paypal clientId", "Secret": "Your paypal secret", "EndPoint": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com" // sandbox }] }
public async Task<Result<Dictionary<string, string>>> GetConfig() { var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dic.Add("client-id", GeneralPaymentConfig.ClientId); dic.Add("currency", HardCodeKey.BasedCurrency); // dic.Add("disable-funding", "credit,card"); // 關閉信用卡及借記卡 var result = new Result<Dictionary<string, string>> { IsSuccess = true, Message = "", Data = dic }; return result; }
依據官方文件,所述,我們可以呼叫 api 取得 Access-Token 或是使用 client_id:secret 當成 token 去呼叫paypal API
// To make REST API calls, include the bearer token in this header with the Bearer authentication scheme. The value is Bearer <Access-Token> or Basic <client_id:secret> public async Task<string> Authorization() { return Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{GeneralPaymentConfig.ClientId}:{GeneralPaymentConfig.Secret}")); ; }
public async Task<Result<GeneralPaymentResult>> ProcessAsync(GernalPaymentParameter paymentParameter) { var result = new Result<GeneralPaymentResult> { IsSuccess = false, Message = "", Data = new GeneralPaymentResult { PaymentReturnType = PaymentReturnType.OrderId, } }; try { var headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", $"Basic {Authorization()}" }, { "PayPal-Request-Id", HttpContext.Current.TraceIdentifier}, }; var paymentCapture = new PaymentCapture { Intent = "CAPTURE", PurchaseUnits = new List<PurchaseUnit> { new PurchaseUnit { ReferenceId = paymentParameter.OrderNo, Amount = new Model.ViewModels.Payment.Amount { CurrencyCode = "EUR", Value = "1.00" }, Shipping = new PaypalShipping { Address = new PaypalAddress { AddressLine1 = "2211 N First Street", AddressLine2 = "Building 17", AdminArea2 = "San Jose", AdminArea1 = "CA", PostalCode = "95131", CountryCode = "US" } } } }, PaymentSource = new PaymentSource { PayPal = new PayPal { ExperienceContext = new ExperienceContext { PaymentMethodPreference = "IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED", BrandName = "EXAMPLE INC", Locale = "en-US", LandingPage = "LOGIN", ShippingPreference = "SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS", UserAction = "PAY_NOW", ReturnUrl = "https://example.com/returnUrl", CancelUrl = "https://example.com/cancelUrl" } } } }; // Use Newtonsoft.Json to serialize the object to JSON (for demonstration) string body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentCapture, Formatting.Indented); var orderRsult = await HttpHelper.PostAsync<PaypalOrderResponse>(GeneralPaymentConfig.EndPoint + "/v2/checkout/orders", body, headers); result.Data.PaymentReturnValue = orderRsult.Id; result.Success(); } catch (Exception ex) { result.Fail(ex.Message); NLogUtil.WriteSEQLog($"[Paypal][ProcessAsync]Error:{ex.Message},StackTrace:{ex.StackTrace}", NLog.LogLevel.Error); } return result; }
public virtual async Task<Result<GeneralPaymentResult>> CaptureAsync(GernalPaymentParameter paymentParameter) { // Sandbox have some issue.cannot use capture var result = new Result<GeneralPaymentResult> { IsSuccess = false, Message = "Capture fail!", Data = new GeneralPaymentResult { } }; try { var url = GeneralPaymentConfig.EndPoint + $"/v2/checkout/orders/{paymentParameter.PaymentGatewayOrderId}/capture"; var requestBody = ""; var headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", $"Basic {Authorization()}" }, { "PayPal-Request-Id", HttpContext.Current.TraceIdentifier}, }; var response = await HttpHelper.PostAsync<PaypalOrderResponse>(url, requestBody, headers); if (response.Status == "COMPLETED") { result.IsSuccess = true; result.Message = "Capture success"; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Fail(ex.Message); NLogUtil.WriteSEQLog($"[Paypal][CaptureAsync]Error:{ex.Message},StackTrace:{ex.StackTrace}", NLog.LogLevel.Error); } return result; }
有趣的東西,Pyapl 的第三方支付,先出貨在付款,paypal 承諾商家一定收的到錢。